Dr. Sue Johnson

Dr. Alison Lee

Ms. Gail Palmer
In the late 1990s, Sue Johnson, a professor and researcher at the University of Ottawa, envisioned establishing an “Institute” dedicated to providing Emotionally Focused
Therapy (EFT) for individuals, couples, and families in the Ottawa and surrounding community. After collaborating for years on the Family Therapy Team at the Civic
Hospital, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Alison Lee, Ms. Gail Palmer came together with Mr. John Douglas (and Dr. David Latour), and founded the Ottawa Couple and Family Institute
(OCFI) in 1999. From its modest beginnings, OCFI earned acclaim within the therapist community, leading to the addition of many more therapists to the team over the years.
OCFI has since become synonymous with EFT, fostering excellence in practice, research, and training.
We express gratitude to our founders for their vision, passion, and perseverance in shaping OCFI into what it is today.

Although Sue, Gail, Alison, David, and John are no longer at the helm, OCFI now rests in the capable hands of new leadership: Dr. Orly Rumstein McKean, Dr. Normand
Gingras, and Mr. Michael Northcote. We remain dedicated to advancing the founders’ vision and firmly believe in the fundamental importance of relationships in human
Research underscores that emotionally fulfilling relationships are essential for mental and physical well-being. Emotionally focused interventions, informed by attachment
theory and neuroscience, hold the potential to establish supportive bonds among individuals. We assertively uphold these foundational principles of EFT, emphasizing
the role of emotions in enhancing relationships with oneself and others. It is with pride that we carry forward this rich legacy, championing OCFI’s vision and the
transformative potential of EFT well into the 21st century.